I am a portrait painter, cartoonist and graphic recorder, based in Brighton UK.
Whilst I explore and embrace multiple disciplines, my topic, however, is always the same: people.
People and their environment. People and their behaviour. People. People are fascinating to me.
It's why I spent 13+ years in change management, helping (yes) people manage changes. It's why I LOVE helping people change careers and become more creative in my coaching practice too. And yes, it's why my paintings, and drawings are focusing heavily on people.
I am largely self-taught, albeit with the help of years of education from (in order) my grandmother, creativity classes, primary and secondary schools (until the age of 14 at least 🙄), YEARS of evening classes in art and creativity with Angenelle Thijssen, and weekend classes in portrait painting with Juliet Kac.
Also: art runs in the family. Check out the work by Anneke Broertjes and Piet Broertjes.
And a particular shout out to my partner, Ronnie Doublet, who builds fabulous archtop guitars and weird and wonderful musical instruments, and supports me in all my creative endeavours.
My journey to where I am today was ... not linear.
Art is not my first career. Heck, art is not even my FOURTH career (but there's still time, right?).
But art is one of my first and my most consistent loves throughout my life.
Born in Bodegraven, The Netherlands, the town where the Gouda cheese is made, I was the one who didn't like cheese.
Being an artist at heart i studied ... law.
Loving nothing more than variety I spent 25 years in a corporate environment, 13 of which was in the same profession. Go figure.
But now the multi-passionate, creative me is emerging and is no longer willing to be categorised and boxed in.
So here I am, Tineke, visual artist, portrait painter, cartoonist, graphic recorder, career and creativity coach, living in a town (Brighton, UK) where EVERYONE fits in (because no one fits in).
But I'm not going to say anymore about me. Because - you know - a picture speaks a thousand words. So, I'm going to show you my Visual Biography instead!
Oh, and in case you are wondering ... Yes. Yes you can.
You can book a visual coaching session with me in which you talk and I draw up YOUR visual biography too! Book it here.